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Unrivaled Wire Stripping Machines

Get yourself a wire stripper machine that turns hours of hard work into minutes of easy money.

Best selling Wire Strippers

Grab one of the world’s best-selling wire stripper machines today and instantly triple the amount of money you put in your pocket from the scrap yards!

Heavy Duty Wire Stripping

Choose one of the world’s best-selling wire and cable stripper machines on the market for immediate massive copper recycling profits!

About Us

At StripMeister, we provide top-quality wire stripping machines designed for efficiency, durability, and ease of use. 

Proudly made in North America and trusted by over 100,000 thousand customers worldwide, our wire stripping machines simplify copper wire recycling, maximizes productivity and profits.

Not Sure Which Machine
is Right for You?

Use our 2-Step Selector Tool below to find the perfect Stripmeister for your needs.